LCD Backlight

Repairing Your LCD’s Backlight Yourself

LCDs are fairly common around the world and those of you who have had it in your house for quite some time would know that the brightness of an LCD gradually decreases as it gets older. When faced with such a problem, you can either toss you LCD in the trash or use your tiny brain to quickly fix it. If you are one with an insatiable curious demeanor, then you would definitely choose the latter option. No need to shiver in your shoes though; this is not at all going to be complex but rather be more of an adventure. So, are you ready to pick a screw driver and open this mysterious device known as an LCD?
Before you start using your bare hands on the exposed device for LCD backlight repair, we consider it necessary to tell you that there are 2 basic components that an LCD backlight is made up of;

o Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube (CCFT)
o Inverter

If your LCD backlight is not as bright as it used to be, then maybe it’s because your CCFT tube has worn down or your inverter is dead. So as any LCD backlight repairer, you need to look at these 2 components.

Where will I find them?

The CCFT is located right below the screen which will be visible once you open up the plastic casing of your LCD monitor. If it seems like the light emitted from the CCFT tube is dull and not shiny, then the CCFT tube is the culprit which is making your LCD display dull and dark. Remove it and replace it with a new one and presto, you are done. You have just successfully repaired your LCD backlight!
But wait; not so fast kemosabe! What if the inverter is the part that needs replacing, where will you find that?

Locating an inverter isn’t as straight forward though. Look beside the CCFT tube if you are able to see aluminum foil that is placed inside a coil. If yes, there lies your LCD’s inverter. In order to diagnose it, you have to attach the pins of your multi-meter to it and check whether it is still generating pulse. If it isn’t, then purchase a new one online and install it onto your LCD. You see, you don’t have to be some electronic geek in order to correctly perform an LCD backlight repair. All you need is some curiosity, a go getter approach and some enlightening online content (such as the one you are reading) to perform the task at home.

Now, you may have your heads in the cloud after you have successfully performed an LCD backlight repair. Thus, we consider it imperative to give you a taste of reality. It will not always be that easy to repair a backlight and if you are not able to figure out where the problem lies after diagnosing your LCD’s CCFT and inverter, it is always a good idea to contact a professional LCD backlight repairer. Click here to contact a professional or visit our official website for more details.

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